The Harry Potter book series and franchise remains one of the favorite magical stories for children and adults who grew up with them. The story of Harry Potter, the little sassy orphan that lives under his aunt’s stairs that turns out to be the most famous child of the wizarding world, is not only a…
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Here you can find best articles regarding Cards Games, Board Games and much more useful information.
What Is a Muggle in the Harry Potter World?
What Does the Word ‘Muggle’ Mean? The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word ‘muggle’ as an informal noun, the meaning of which is ‘a person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill.’ The word derives from the word ‘mug’, a British slang, which in the late 70-es and early 80-es of the…
How to play Cards Against Humanity on Zoom
Who makes Cards Against Disney and Where to buy Them?
What are Cards Against Disney? Oh, so you’ve found out about Cards Against Disney too! Since you’re here chances are you’re a big Disney fan but it looks like you’re not quite sure what’s all this noise about. We all have heard about Disney movies, but what’s this card game now? Read below and find…